
You might be thinking…what could be so BIG about this dish? You should have seen the size of this zucchini! Last week we sliced rings (less than 1 inch) off, gave them a quick oil coat/seasoning and popped them on the grill with our chicken. There was still 1/2 a zucchini to go!

This week, after reviewing a recipe from Cleanfoodcrush.com, I decided Zucchini Lasagna “Life-Rings” were on the menu.


serves 4:

  • *1 LARGE Zucchini sliced 1-1.5 in and seeds/center removed
  • Olive or avocado oil & salt/pepper to coat
  • 1 T Olive or Avocado oil
  • 1# ground beef~ organic, grass-fed/finish preferred
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 1/2 c Marinara (Ragu actually makes a CLEAN version w/o sugar!
  • 1t Italian seasoning
  • 1/4 t salt & pepper
  • cottage cheese
  • parmesan cheese
  • fresh parsley

Coat zucchini rings with oil/salt/pepper to taste and bake on a lined sheet pan at 375 for about 15 min. Brown onions in oil, add garlic, and saute for 30-60 sec. and add in ground beef. Still to break apart and brown. When nearly cooked, add marinara and seasonings. Place a scoop of cottage cheese in the center of your life ring, top with beef mixture, and top with a sprinkle of Parmesan and fresh parsley. Bake for 10 min until hot and the cheese melted.

Well, this simple dish calls out for a Pinot Noir or similar. Hey, I am definitely no sommelier, but something light in body yet med-full on flavor should do the trick.


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